Monday, December 20, 2010
TuTu Giveaway 12/17 post
Friday, December 17, 2010
Need last Minute Gifts?
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
12/10 giveaway winners!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Gracious Gifts

Monday, December 6, 2010
GIveaway Winner 12/3 post
Our luck winner is #7 Stephanie! You can redeem your shopping spree anytime! Thanks again for all your great comments!
p.s. check out Sweet Lizzies for new holiday delights! or visit the store for full potency! ;)
Friday, December 3, 2010
Don't buy new! Shop like new for less!

Friday, November 26, 2010
Bargains for Black Friday (and Saturday)

We are not doing a giveaway this weekend because this sale is such a great deal, and everyone can get in on it...but don't worry, we'll be doing another one again next time!
Not only do we have some great deals going on, but American Express is doing a promo this weekend (November 27th) when you shop at small local businesses you will receive a $25 statement credit! Now that's some savings! So when you support your local businesses this weekend you will really be saving a lot!
Hope you all had a great holiday and see you all at the store this weekend!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Death by Chocolate -giveaway winner 11/19 post

This week at the store we have a large section of $1 items! Some items include baby clothing and bedding as well as Jr's clothing and other items! Stop by and check it out!
Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving, and no death by turkey or pie so that you can enter this week's giveaway!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Under the Weather and the Blustery Blues

Friday, November 12, 2010
Hot giveaways at the hottest stores in town!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
giveaway winner 11/5 post

Friday, November 5, 2010
Get the fall fancies!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Winner 10/26 post

Friday, October 29, 2010
Another one bites the dust

P.S. Check out the Sweet Lizzie's Blog this week, there are scrumptious new arrivals in furniture and sweets!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Giveaway winner from 10/22 post/New arrival

Friday, October 22, 2010
Toys Are Back!!

Monday, October 18, 2010
Giveaway winners from 10/15 post & new arrivals

Friday, October 15, 2010
Freebie Friday just got sweeter!

Monday, October 11, 2010
What basics will you stock up on??
When cleaning out closets and garages don't forget we LOVE things that are in great condition and clean such as; joggers, strollers, furniture, play pens, swings, and so much more! Oh, and we take all seasons of clothing all year round, so don't hesitate to bring us your summer goodies now! Thanks to our awesome customers that make Sweet Pea a success!!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Down to Basics

Monday, October 4, 2010
Thirteen IS lucky...
Friday, October 1, 2010
Need your Sweet Pea fix?
Friday, September 17, 2010
Hooray for Halloween! Costumes are out...

We've been missing employees and covering shifts like crazy this month, so the weekly giveaways have been on hiatus, but this week the giveaway is back. Leave a comment and tell me what you are going to be for Halloween and you are entered to win a $20 shopping spree in the store!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Winner 8/24
Thank you all for your kind congrats. My resolution for our 7th year is to make this blog a bit more filled with new arrivals and fun tips! (First I have to wade through the piles of cute stuff coming in this usually doesn't let up till October...)
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Happy Birthday to Us...Six Years on the 9th!

Happy birthday to us! the store reached it's 6th anniversary this last week. In celebration, we are giving away two $20 gift certificates. Just leave a comment to enter...and THANK YOU so much for helping us get here...we couldn't do it without such amazing customers.
Also, print out this post and bring it in with your name and address printed on the back for 40% off any one item of clothing (this offer expires 8/31/10 and may be used one time per customer).
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Winner 8/3
Happy week guys!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Giveaway 7/31
Leave a comment & tell a friend about the blog and we'll enter you to win a pair of movie tickets to Tooele's Cinema 6...I'll draw a winner bright and early Tues am...(around our house, bright and early depends on how the baby slept through the night). Good luck!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Back to School is in Full Swing
Monday, July 26, 2010
Lucky Number 13 is our winner!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Crazy $1 Sale and Giveaway...7/23
Our giveaway for the week is a $25 gift certificate. Leave a comment to enter. I'll pull a winner bright and early on Monday morning.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Winner 7/9
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Arrrgh, the new arrivals that I was going to post sold...

So I went and took pics and sure enough, all three things I was going to highlight are sold. At least I can still post the contest for the weekend!
Also, I thought I'd take a minute and announce our big sale Monday...It's huge! (we've only offered this deal one other time in six years). Everything in the store is buy one, get one half off including furniture, shoes, jeans (just in time for back to school), new Melissa and Doug toys (stock up the birthday present cupboard) and more. The only exclusion is bows since they aren't store owned. Great deals for the rest of summer and back to school. Pass the word along to a friend!
P.S. after a couple months of incredible busy-ness with opening the new store and enjoying the baby, we have gotten back on track on our birthday club. May, June's and July's should be in your mailbox today or by Tuesday. If your kids aren't registered for the club, it is a super fun thing, ask for details at the store. The best part about this is that I don't have to hang my head in guilty shame as I walk through Wal-Mart (aaaaah, the joys of a small town :).
Our contest for the week is for a $20 shopping spree to the Pea. Use it now or save it for more yummy new arrivals that are coming in everyday...just leave a comment about what you are doing to celebrate our Independence Day!!!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Winner 7/2
Saturday, June 26, 2010
New Arrivals and Giveaway 6/26

Just brought in (literally we are pricing as I post) a double bike trailer and a gorgeous pink cradle swing that goes side to side or back and forth for $89.99 (the retail price for this swing is $159.99 at Babies r Us). Call us if you'd like either one held for an hour or two.
Today's giveaway is your choice of art supplies from Melissa & Doug (up to a $15 shopping spree). Perfect for entertaining bored children in the summer. Leave a comment to enter.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Winners 6/24 and a Recall Heads Up
Super important P.S. If you've got a baby in a crib (like us at our house), you may want to check website. There was a HUGE recall of millions of cribs today (6/24). Basically most dropside cribs now need to be retrofitted to have a non-dropside. All of the manufacturers are offering free repair kits.
This is a TON of cribs. All five that we had in the store have been pulled and are awaiting these kits off the sales floor. Your little ones safety is important to us! While you are at the Consumer protection website you can check out other recalls including high chairs, pack n plays, toys and more.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
You poor neglected blog followers, you need a reward!

I've been working at the store this week to cover girl's camp and Father's Day camping and it has been busy, busy busy with lots of delicious and delightful new inventory.
In order to make up for my neglect of this poor blog, we are doing two giveaways...
The first is a $10 gift certificate to Sweet Pea and the second is a $10 gift certificate to Sweet Lizzie's (can you tell it is late and I've gone through 32 drop offs today and my creativity is lacking?)
Among our new arrivals this week are a darling pink exersaucer that converts to a walker (see pic above)...priced at $39.99 our price (new was $83 at Target). We also got in a cherry red Radio Flyer retro scooter, our price $24.99, new was $94. Oodles and scoodles of new, summery clothes.
P.S. Start getting excited for what we have stored and ready to go for our Back to School inventory. I know I say it every year, but the stuff for the seasonal transition is AMAZING!
To enter leave a comment...
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Keep up the good fun-having!!!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Freebie Weekend 6/5

This week's giveaway is for a $20 gift certificate to Sweet Pea.
Happy late Memorial Day & Happy School is out! We celebrated at our house with a yummy celebration dinner of grilled chicken, funeral potatoes , rolls, fresh corn on the cob and an over the top homemade German Chocolate Cake (to which my children promptly replied WE HATE COCONUT, sweet little dears are going to get themselves enrolled in summer school if they don't watch out).
To enter this week's giveaway, tell me how you are celebrating Summer at your house by leaving a comment.
P.S. There is a giveaway at the Sweet Lizzie's blog this week too.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Winner 3/25
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Freebie Weekend 5/22

I'm in love with this week's giveaway. That amazing bow lady is at it again with more innovative and fashion forward styles. I have, of course, already bought my girls matchy-sister flowers for their hair.
This week's giveaway is two darling zebra flowers (in pink and hot pink) with a coordinating stretch black headband. So cute for summer! Leave a comment to enter.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Winner 5/17
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Weekend Freebie 5/15
The first part of the prize is a $10 gift certificate to Sweet Pea and then the second is a 1/4 lb. of any candy you wish at Sweet Lizzie's. Shopping and sweets, a perfect combination. My favorite part of this prize is that you get to bring a friend with you who gets the same prize (can you tell I've been watching way too much America's Next Top Model...? I love that darn show).
Just leave a comment to enter, and I'll pick a winner on Monday.
Monday, May 10, 2010
P.S. Tons of new fun furniture in this week. Got in a gorgeous antique red spindle bed. Perfect for a boys cowboy or robot or sock monkey or any other room needing a red accent. It came in with a matching pint size antique-retro desk (both look very Pottery Barn-ish). We also got in a mini-crib in a natural wood tone and oodles of other yummy stuff.
I love reading your comments, by the way! You are all so fun/kind/entertaining...
Friday, May 7, 2010
Freebie Weekend 5/7
Today's giveaway is a candy basket from Sweet Lizzie's in honor of Mother's Day (a $20 value). Hope you all have a super delightful day and get spoiled :)
To enter, leave a comment...
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Winner 4/27
Friday, April 23, 2010
The average woman will spend more than EIGHT YEARS of her life shopping...

This info comes from and is sooooo interesting,
"Buying household essentials and keeping the family fed and clothed means the typical female shops for a staggering 25,184 hours and 53 mins over a period of 63 years. The research also found women will make 301 individual shopping trips - lasting a total of 399 hours and 46 minutes - per year. A spokesman for OnePoll said: ''Many men seem to think women only shop when they are buying clothes for themselves. ''But they quite often shop for the entire family and that can be incredibly hard work.'' Even the food shop can take over an hour to complete and with 84 food shops a year, women will spend 94 hours and 55 minutes browsing the supermarket. Women also dedicate 90 shopping trips a year to keeping up appearances - shopping for clothes 30 times, shoes 15 times, accessories 18 times and toiletries 27 times."
Holy exhausting ladies!!! Get your hubbies to give you a big hug and kiss for saving them so much money and keeping them fed.
This weekends giveaway is for a Melissa and Doug floor puzzle (your choice). We just got in a HUGE shipment of M & D including their new brownie sets (sooooo cute), cupcake sets, sugar cookies and more play food. Come on in and check it out. Just leave a comment to enter.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Sorry, I am so spacey this week. Next time somebody comment to me and remind me so I'm not so flaky. This week we are upgrading the lighting at the store (it's been bugging me for only 5 and a half years). Come in and check it out.
New arrivals this week are: a huge, gorgeous lot of size Small and 4 junior clothing in super fun and trendy styles, a huge lot (over 40 pieces) of girls 7/8 clothes in bright spring colors, a darling wrought iron, sleigh style full size bed and a Pottery Barn shelf. And that's just an itty, bitty sample of what's come in. Spring cleaning is definitely in full force in Tooele. Hooray for our inventory and your shopping choices!!!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Weekend Freebie 4/17

In order to keep up better with the blog giveaway, I am changing it to weekend freebies instead of Freebie Friday. That way there is a little more flexibility (at least in my own expectations :) on posting our weekly giveaway.
Hope that works for everybody! The winner will be drawn on Mondays. This week's giveaway is a tile pendant of your choice and a chain to wear it with. There are a ton of fun patterns to choose from and these are locally made by one of my fave mom/artist/crafters. To enter leave a comment!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Freebie Fri-Saturday...4/10

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Happy Easter, everyone!!!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Freebie Fri-Saturday 3/27
Monday, March 22, 2010
Winner Freebie Friday
Anyway congrats to our winner, Sally, you may pick up your $20 gift certificate at Sweet Pea. To the rest of you, have a lovely happy week. I'm planning on spring cleaning this week (ick, but necessary) and can't wait to reclaim my scrapbook room or at least walk through it without tripping on stuff.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Good Morning & Freebie Friday 3/20
Anybody who would like to come over and do my dishes, feel free :)
Anyway, the giveaway this week is pretty straightforward. It is a $20 gift certificate to Sweet Pea Boutique. We have a little twist this time though. You can enter by leaving a comment and earn a second entry by sharing about the contest on Facebook or on your blog. Make sure when you comment that you tell me that you've posted so I credit your extra entry. Happy Spring, by the way!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Oops, I'm not the best at counting tonight :)
The winner of this weeks giveaway is actually Jessica and Justin Stoddard.
Just to make it up to her we have another gift for Stacee Maree (wouldn't want to ruin anybodies b-day).
Winner 3/15
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Freebie Fri-Saturday...3/13

This week's edition of Freebie Fridays is celebrating St. Patrick's Day! We have oodles and oodles of new arrivals, from cribs to Spring dresses to well... you name it, it came in this week.
Before I announce this week's giveaway, I thought I'd share five things most people don't realize about the store.
1. We accept all seasons all year long. Hooray for closet cleaning and not having to store it forever.
2. We get around 1500-2000 new things a week. It's always changing at Sweet Pea.
3. We take furniture, too. If you have an extra dresser or twin bed around the house, bring it in and we'll pay cash.
4. We support the local economy and community. From locally made bows from stay at home moms to donations of car seats (checked for recalls of course) to the Justice Center, we try hard to be involved and contribute to Tooele.
5. We've been open 5 1/2 years. Hasn't time flown?
So, now for the part that you are all waiting for, the giveaway. This week's giveaway is a St. Patty's Day gift basket from Sweet Lizzie's filled with delectable green and gold themed candy. I'm not sure of everything that is in there, but I'm pretty sure there will be some yummy taffy, chocolate coins and sugar sanded lemon drops (my personal fave).
Leave a comment to enter and we'll draw a winner on Monday morning...
Monday, March 8, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
Freebie Friday 3/5
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
New Arrivals 3/2
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Freebie Friday!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
These are coming in today...
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Freebie Friday!!! (feel free to giggle at my yet again, lateness)

Dear Blog Friends,
Yes indeedy, I do not rock on the organization skills, but my intentions are good :)
The prize for this weeks Freebie Friday is one free Melissa and Doug Toy (up to a $14.99 value). I love Melissa and Doug toys for 2 reasons. The first is safety. These guys test and retest their toys and seem to put safety and quality above profit. They have never had a recall in the US and have stellar customer service . I once had a customer who had lost one puzzle piece and they sent her a new one FREE! The second reason I like this company is that they make toys that make kids use their imagination. From their art supplies to their play food, kids get to play and make up their own use for the toys. In the picture is M & D's play food sugar cookies. This is the perfect birthday party gift.
To enter Freebie Fri-Saturday, just leave me a comment about your favorite part of Spring. My favorite is the sunshine and flower buds, I'm ready to leave the gray days and snow boots behind.