If you haven't submitted your photos yet for the AWESOME giveaway that we are drawing for on Monday now is your chance....up until Saturday night! We will decide and post the winner on Monday (which will be really hard to choose...I'm going to have to have help with this one). Did you miss the details of the contest? Read our February 3rd post for details!!! Trust me, this is a great giveaway you don't want to miss!!!
Right now is a great time to get baby equipment and toys, we have a great selection of learning toys for all ages from babies doing tummy time to bigger kids doing lots of learning. We have a really cute umbrella stroller in pink and gray from Maclaren $49.99! We also have walkers, swings (which we haven't had a lot of because they go quick) portable chair-top high chairs, Rocking Chairs, bathtubs, bouncers and excersaucers!!! We also will be having a shipment of Melissa and Doug coming sometime next week!
Get those photos emailed, and don't forget to enter your comment for the 1/2 lb of free candy and chance to pick the Candy of the Week!!! http://www.sweetlizzies.blogspot.com/